
The globalization of production.

Since the sixty´s increase in the textile industry in the countries in process of development has promoted the industrialization of those supported by a large labor force at low prices.

But is in the ninety´s that  this process accelerates, emphasizing the rise in production capacity of countries like China and thanks to big logistic companies that adopt global supply politics.

Texfashion Group China borns 25 years ago, in its beginning in Hong Kong where was established by 12 years and nowadays at the neuralgic core of China production in Guangzhou since 13 years.

The chinese factories are already specialized in all type of products and full equipped with machines for cutting, embroidery, digital printing... whatever you could need.

The time for the making of collections is of 60 days once we have received your designs and technical files. In case of orders for productions it must be taken into account that to 60 days of production you must add 30 days for sea freight.

More than 25 years of work experience in Asia

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